Move mode allows you to set up movement paths that will make it look like the scene is completely real.Place mode lets you to put the objects in the preview area and create a 3D scene.

You can change the sizes and orientations of the objects with few simple clicks.

It features loads of different objects which includes nature elements, indoor and outdoor objects, pets, public transport and many more. Place mode lets you to put the objects in the preview area and create a 3D scene and the move mode allows you to set up movement paths that will make it look like the scene is completely real. It works in two different modes which are place mode and move mode. Make the design with real-life touch and environments.In order to make the task easier, Lumion Pro 8.5 comes with a set of templates as well as scenes which you can start with or you can load scene from your PC. Rendering is the long process in designing but with Lumion everything’s better. As well as in which you can imports model from Revit, 3ds Max, Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhino among many other modeling programs and Lumion fill the breath life into your design with realistic landscapes and urban context, ultra-stylish effects, hundreds of objects, many outstanding features and extra materials from the content library. Highly and ultra-fast and smooth rendering allow you to quickly show your design to your customers. More reliable and less time spend and preparing and waiting for renders. Lumion is improving your design and interacting with your clients.